Explore at Home
Hey, parents! Whether your children are always home-schooled or whether they are learning from home temporarily, they will enjoy this collection of the best free resources from Compassion Explorer!
Scroll down to find children's activities like crafts and games — plus stories and recipes from around the world, devotionals for kids and lesson plans to help walk your family through seasons of change.
So gather the kids and start exploring these free, faith-building family activities!

These lesson plans offer a focused way to explore the free resources Compassion Explorer prepared for your family! They'll guide you through talking with your kids about big topics, with hands-on activities to keep them engaged.
Talk with your kids about fear, worry and what the Bible says about trusting in God.
These activities focus on ways to stay healthy, avoid germs and guard your body.
Discuss what Jesus meant when He said to love our neighbors. Get ideas for ways to show love.
World Tour
Explore the world from your living room! Pick a country and learn all about life there.

More free resources for kids!
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Kids Devotionals
These devotions for children will help your family talk about fear, health and other topics that might be on children’s minds. Each short Bible study includes ideas for applying lessons from God's Word in everyday life.
Photo Stories
Beautiful photos drive these stories of children around the world. Your kids will learn more about what it’s like to live in the countries where Compassion works. They'll see some prayers of sponsored children and learn how God cares for people in difficult circumstances like poverty.
Family Activities
Free printables, kids crafts, coloring pages and other family activities will entertain kids who are stuck at home. The kindness planner and gratitude journal will help them count their blessings and keep an outward focus during this season of uncertainty.
Have some fun with these printable games, puzzles and worksheets. And learn how to make your family game nights even more fun by putting together your own game pieces and characters!
Our simple recipes are designed for families with young children to make together. The next time your kids say they’re bored, ask them to help you whip up one of these recipes from countries where sponsored children live! Your family will get a taste of other cultures and a chance to pray for children around the world before digging in!