

When you speak up for a person or an issue you care about, it means you are an advocate. You are taking part in advocacy. At Compassion, we call young advocates like you “Speak-Up Kids!”

Explore the sections below for fun activities and ideas for spreading the word about children who live in poverty. You’ll also find stories of Speak-Up Kids who use their voices to help others.

Speak-Up Kids

Here are stories about young advocates like you who speak up for children in poverty. And find ideas for spreading the word about the cause so you can be a Speak-Up Kid too!


Speak-Up Kids have to be informed to be good advocates! Read stories about what life is like for kids around the world, find lesson plans to learn with the help of an adult and explore an interactive world map with facts about countries where Compassion works.


One way to help children in poverty is by giving money. Here are stories of Speak-Up Kids like you who thought of creative ways to fundraise for children in poverty. You’ll also find ideas and inspiration for your own fundraiser!


When you care a lot about something — like helping children who live in poverty — you want to tell others about it. Here are some shout-outs about childhood poverty to share with your friends online, save as your device wallpaper or ask a parent to post on their social media accounts.