
I Mustache What You Want for Christmas?

Nine-year-old Jean gets a little silly in a cornfield near his home in Brazil. Jean looks forward to celebrating Christmas and receiving a gift at his Compassion center!

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Santa better step up his game for Christmas this year *twists mustache* Izzy, 12 Ashland, NE

Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas!

Lily, 11 Columbia, TN

LOOK at me I’m Santa Claus!!!! HA HA!!!!!

Lydia, 10 Jacksonville, NC

Friend: Hi! Nice Mustach?

Jean: Thanks! (Eats the mustach)

Friend: Whaaattt???!! (faints)

Grace, 6 Dever CO

I Mustache Mustaches.

Darcy, 11 Choctaw, Oklahoma

do you like my mustache?

Polly, 10 Birmingham,Alabama

I’m the new Santa with a better mustache!

Caroline, 11 Brooks, Ga

God gave me these crops as a Christmas blessing.

Jamie, 7 Reedley, C.A

Is there some thing on my face?

Emma, 11 Co

It’s beginning to smell a lot like… wheat?

Chantrellaree, 3 Brooklyn, New York

I want a mustache for Christmas!

James, 8 Saint Louis, MO

Ha who says I can’t be Santa I think I’m rocking it!

Jaeyla, 11 Victoria Minnesota

WHEAT you want for Chirstmas.

Grace, 10 Carlsbad C.A.

don’t sneeze I need to take a pict… ah ah choo!! noooooo!

ruthanna, 11 purcell M.O.

dress-up really is the best!!

Whitney, 10 Gilberts,IL

You better be good, or else you’ll get wheat in your stocking! AKA coal

Grace and Kamryn, grace 10 kamryn 9 carlsbad, CA

Do ya think I am sensitive to wheat?
I think not.
Do ya like my mustache?

Lydia, Rather not say Parma, Idaho

I wanted to be a man, so I decided to grow a wheat beard!

Zoey, 13 Waddell, AZ

Hey, Jean, I think you trim your beard just a tiny bit!

Abigail, 10 Carol Stream, IL

Hey what do you think of my rad beard ? So merry weetmas and a a-choo year

Ava, 9 The Dominican republic

This mustache tastes… Good!

Brennan, 12 Portland, Oregon

Do you want wheat in your cookies, Santa?

Juliana, 12 Sacramento, California

Uh oh! I shouldn’t have eaten those seeds… I’m growing plants!

Micah and Jared, 10, 8 Allentown, PA

Does it smell funny out here, or is it just me?

Lily, 11 Livingston, Texas

I mustache you a question, do you think this is too corny?

Sonora, 13 Centerville MD

Nice mustache dude!

Norah, 10 Beavercreek, Or

This might take a while to shave…

Norah, 10 Beavercreek, Or

Hmmm… I think I need to trim my moustache soon….

Kylie, 8 Lancaster PA

“You can call me Sir Wheat’s a Lot!”

Cailee, 12 Columbia, MO

Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas!

Mariska, 11 Titusville, PA

Hmm, now where did that last piece of barley go?

Levi, 13 Placerville, CA

Humm…let’s go look in the mirror,

magnolia, 9 missouri

Santa with a corn beard!

Paisley, 4 New Plymouth, ID

Just call me Santa Wheat Whiskers

Alayna, 12 Lancaster Pennsylvania

Ho Ho Ho merry Christmas and a happy new year!

Ava , 9 Oregon

ho ho ho merry a-choooooo to one and all

joy, 13 texas

Does this look like Santa’s beard?

Harper, 13 Rockford, IL

Want some bread take my mustache!

danica, 10 Moncton, New Brunswick

No need to wait to be a man to grow a corny moustache!

Annie, 8 Fort Wayne, Indiana

Do you like my corny mustache?

Jonah, 10 Paris, France

It’s a little bit corny!

Thierry, 10 Ketchikan, Alaska

Ho, ho-achoo! Sorry, I’m allergic to wheat

Maiya, 11 Kingston, Ontario

Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas. Wait, SANTA CLAUS, you forgot your little helper!!!

Josephine, 11 Concord ,North Carolina

The life cycle of oatmeal!

Logan, 11 Waipahu, Hawaii

I hope Rudolph doesn’t come along.

Hannah, 10 Douglass Kansas

DID You know that wheat is a magnet? It is.

Reagan, 7 Gilberts IL

Wow! I guess wishes do come true!

Peyton, 11 Cincinnati, OH


monet, 14 Albuquerque NM

Mom! I think I grew a mustache! It smells weird though…

Ella, 11 Starkville, Mississippi

DAAAAAD i need a shaving lesson!!!

Olivia, 13 Honolulu, HI

Merry Christmas!
From Mr. Mustache Man.

Emory, 10 Clinton, MS

“Look at me, I’m Old Saint Wheat!”

Colwyn, 10 Carlisle, PA

Santa is not the only one who has a mustache now!

Madelin, 12 Glen Burnie, MD

Which way to the North Pole?

Chloe, 10 St. Louis, MO

Ho ho ho like my mustache? Oh give me a second I need to stroke it.

Aubrey, 10 Winter Park, FL

You know I think I like this mustache idea, but I’m not quite sure about the smell.

Vivi, 12 Canisteo NY

Santa Claus has cut of his mustache and beard on accident. When he comes into your home, he will now have a hay stock for a mustache!!

Brooklyn, 10 Cedar, MN

Looks like Santa lost his beard….and grew wheat!!!

Gabe, 8 Ceday, MN

I mustache you a question

kara, 13 gentryville, IN

Rudolph the red nosed rainbeard, oh wait, this is santa.

Levi, 9 O'fallon,MO

“Hey guys, do I need to trim my mustache?”

Lila Barry, 11 Harleysville, PA

Now I need to find a manly beard.

Alethea Steiner, 9 Orrville, OH

Hmm. I got the hat, check, the mustache, check. Now where’s my beard?!

Quinn S., 10 Orrville OH

Ho Ho Ho…Achoo!

Ella, 5 Newberg OR

You can call me . . . Santa Claus the corny joke giver. Ho ha ha!

Marcella, 9 Fullerton, California

Look mom! I’m Santa! Wait … where’s my elf?

Grace, 7 St Anthony, MN

Ho-Ho-Ho! Whoa! Is it that time already?

Henry, 9 St Anthony, MN

“And I call this mustache the ‘looks like wheat and feels like it too’.”

Anna, 12 Lexington, Kentucky

The new summer Santa, with a mustache, yeah we get two Christmases!

Audrey, 9 Keizer, Oregon

I MUST-STASH your presents under the tree.

Isaiah, 7 Keizer, Oregon

Do you like my wheaty mustache?

Amelia, 10 Knoxville Tennessee

It’s santa, but instead of presents you get corn!

Brooke Madison, 11 Dallas, Texas

Hi I’m Santa and I have a wheat mustache!

Amory, 9 Arlington, Tx.

“Man, my face feels so itchy! I wonder why?!”

Adler, 11 Bellingham, WA

Nice mustache, Santa!

Lazarus, 7 Denton, TX

Hello, I’m Mr. Have-A-Wheat Mustache.

Mordecai, 9 Denton, TX

Wow! That growing powder worked really-achoo!- fast.

Caroline, 12 Raleigh, NC

NEWS FLASH! Santa Claus found, younger excepted!

Eden, 13 Las Vegas, Nevada

Like my mustache? Hey why don’t you like my mustache, it’s the new style!

C.J., 9 Grass Valley Cal.

I have a mustache!!

Lauren, 9 Goshen, IN

Instant mustache! I’ll sell it to you for $100.99!

Natalie, 11 Oklahoma City, OK.

Do I look like Santa Clause yet?

Andrew, 8 Maple Grove, MN

Aw man, I forgot to trim my mustache again!

Levi, 13 Placerville, CA.

“Hey where did that last piece of corn go?”

Caleb, 10 Placerville, CA.

Hey is this supposed to be a fake mustache or something it’s making my nose tickle.

Drew, 9 laguna hills CA.

When is this photoshoot gonna be over, I just wan’t the presents!

JACK, 11 laguna hills CA.

Jean: I mustache you a question
You: what?
Jean: do you like my mustache?

Kiley, 9 1/2 Lubbock TX

Look mom I’m Santa! HO HO HO!

Sophia, Mikayla, 10,14 Spring, Texas

The corn! It’s floating! I told you magic was real!Also, do you like my hat?

Connor, 8 Carmichael, CA

“I didn’t know Santa had that big of a mustache!”

Rosie, 11 Detroit lakes, MN

Merry Grainmas to every corn stock!

eleanor, 11 1/3 Orangevale, CA

Do you see my trick?! No hands touching!!

Arabella Knudsen, 5 Fort Mill, SC

Weat wish you a merry Christmas and ah ah ah ah achoo!… a happy New Year. That tickled 😉 !

Marcus, 11 Colorado Springs Colorado

Hey! Look how long my mustache grew!

Clara, 9 Lithonia, GA

Finally, my hands have a break!

Rebecka, 10 Wanatchee, WA

who knew mustaches were edible?

joshua, 10 los angeles california

Wow, this wind is stronger than I thought! Watch out, world!

Sarah, 13 Colorado Springs, Colorado

I mustache have you been naughty or nice this year?

Keaton, 6 Lebanon, OH

“This is very itchy.”

Aidan, 7 Oakton, VA

ho ho ho merry wheatmass

annaliese, 10 Lawrenceburg,TN

Am I too young for a mustache?

Elora, 11 Auburn CA

Jean just can’t WHEAT for Christmas.

Jack, 13 Starkville, Ms

That’s one wheaty mustache!

Wyatt, 7 Barryton, Michigan

The pizzas in the oven, Uhh, I mean, on my face….

Niel, 13 Colorado

Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas!
You like my mustache?

Sosy, 9 North Wales, PA

Mom isn’t a little too early to put this hat on me and a little late to give me this grain mustache?
Ok maybe I am just doing it so people will give me a gift.

Kyla, 11 Erie, Colorado

Look mom, I grew a mustache!

Lucia, 11 Old lyme CT

Dum da de dum… nothing suspicious here!

Susan, 13 Lyme CT

Whoa. I think this “little project” got a little too big.

David Rawlins, 12 Morrison, Colorado

Anybody like my mustache?

Akari, 8 Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Jean: Um, did I get this wrong? Is Santa Clause more known for his big beard than his mustache?

Nathanael S., 12 Carol Stream, IL

I didn’t know wheat could fly!!

Hayden, 10 Statham, GA

Ho Ho Ho! This wheat I will eat!

Hallie, 12 New Braunfels, TX

Like my mustache?

Ben, 11 Plano, TX

Oh, no, I forgot I was allergic to corn! Ahh Ahh Chew!

Audrey Rohweder, 12 Golden Colorado

It’s Wear-A-Moustache Week! Will y’all join me?

Lydia G., 10 Rochester, NY

Would you like to borrow my mustache for Christmas?

Clarissa, 8 Long Beach, California

Look! My mustache in the cornfield!

Giulia, 10 Long Beach, California

Do you like my hat? And my mustache?

Elena, 6 Long Beach, California

Hey, I hope this mustache doesn’t catch fire when I go down all those chimneys!

Jane, 9 Raleigh, NC

Is this too corny for you?

Magnolia, 11 Fort Knox, Kentucky

I’m coming for your job, Santa! Wheat, how do I get to the North Pole again?

Alexa, 9 Seattle, WA

Jean: Can you take this picture quick!? This wheat is getting heavy!

FAITH, 13 Gobles,Michigan

Ahhh! I think my mustache grew too long!

Genevieve, 10 years Santa Rosa, California

Wheat wish you a merry Christmas, and a happy New year!

Giuliana, 9 Utica N.Y

I’m not taking these corn stalks to school, am I?

Andrew, 9 Yakima, WA

Ho,Ho,Ho,merry Chris…..ah,ah,ah-choo!

Rebekah, 11 Lewistown MT

Merry Christmas! Santa Claus, here. Check out my new mustache!

London, 13 New Plymouth, ID

mom: I saw my daughter kissing santa claus last night!

zoey, 8 lathrup village MI

Jingle smells, jingle smells, jingle all the way!

Lydia and Violet, 10 and 13 Harrisburg, PA

Santa looks different in my country.

Annemarie, 14 Eagle River, Alaska

Santa Claus does have a mustache, right?

Madeline, 10 Knoxville, Tennessee

He looks like he’s grown a mustache out of wheat. ?

Clara, 9 West Des Moines, Iowa

Ho, ho ho! Meeeery Christmas everyone! Ahh, ahh, achoo! I think I’m allergic.”

Kate, 12 Valley Center, California