Marvelous Medicine
Baby Shavan is clearly excited to show off the medicine that made him all better when he was very sick. He and his mom, Maggie, couldn’t afford the medicine on their own. But a church in their Ugandan neighborhood helped them by giving them the medicine that healed Shavan. The church also gave them groceries to keep them growing strong!
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Camera man- “cough”
Shavan- Here take this it tastes like cupcakes, sort of.
Have it! I don’t like it very much, camera man.
Bay, 11 Moss Point, MississippiShavan: “Mama, this water is very weird and gross. Maybe you could take the yuckies out?”
Maggie (Mama): “I have a feeling all children are like this. Come on, Shavan, just drink it.”
Hey baby, I love you!
Darcy, 11 Choctaw, OKOh my goodness
I’m freaking out
Buy this maraculas medicine. Its olny 10.99 plus shipping and handling!
John Andrew, 13 Panama City, FloridaBetter watch out Camera Man I might yack- OH NO HERE IT COMES!
Abby, 13 West Liberty, Ohmommy noooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!
fern, 12 plymouth minnesotaHey! This stuff tastes
I’m hiding this in my bedroom!
Katherine, 8 Altoona, IAHey! I’ve got the best medicine!
Zachary, 6 Altoona, IAThey said there would be no side effects to the medicine, but here we are, my face is stuck this way, it’s not an expression, its literally stuck.
Naomi, 13 Tulsa, Oklahomawhoa! you mean this stuff healed me!?!
rosana, 10 lansing michiganHere, try some; the worse it tastes, the better it is for you!
Zoe, 13 Colorado Springs, CODang! This medicine hittin DIFFERENT!
Callum, 14 Columbia, TennesseeDid this gross stuff actually help me!? (Here, you can have it!)
Hailey, 11 Sandpoint, IDYahoo! Thank you, God!
Joanna, 5 San Antonio TXlook at this cool medicine!!!!
Genesis, 9 Latvia LiepajaHey guys, how do you like my new medicine?
Rhema, 8 Concord, NCHey camera man, try this!
Josie, 13 California,San DiegoShavan: Beat That! HA!
His Mom: We All Know You Won, Sweetie.
Mom, I left my backpack at Bob’s house!
Evie, 11 Lake Stevens“Guys, this medicine tastes good!”
Luke, 13 Colorado Springs, CO“What’s in this stuff!?”
Hudson, 10 Lewis Center, OhioBro! This thing tastes like feet!!!
Sherin, 10 Duluth MNThis apple juice is sooo good! Wait- where are the cameras coming from?!
Charlotte, 9 Pelham NHI think it’s Coke!
David, 10 Tecumseh, MII drink this stuff!
Daniel, 13 Rapid City, South DakotaMom, you’ve got to try this!
Kate, 13 Lincoln, NEWoah, didn’t see you there! Here, you want some?
Colt, 13 Riverside, CaliforniaBoy! this tastes bitter! but it made me all better.
Emmy, 9 wilmington, NCI’m feeling better already! Honestly! Thanks 😊!
Hannah, 9 Birmingham AlabamaUganda give me any more medicine, Mama?
Noelle & Hannah, 9 Birmingham ALOh my! Amazing medicine!!!!
Felicity, 9 wilmington, NCYay! Medicine!!!!!
Zachary, 9 Federal way, WANo thank you!
Evelyn, 7 Federal way, WAAy bro you need some?
Oscar, 12 Kansas city, MOlook at this! the church and compassion are miracle workers
anna, 10 colorado springs ,coloradoLook! This medicine made me all better!
Lily, 11 Columbia,TNLOOK AT THIS MAGICAL LIQUID!!!!!!!
Lily, 11 Columbia TNlook this is magical
Naomi, 10 Marcellus,NYHey look! it’s a bottle of perfume!
Caleb, 6 Wilmington,NCIt was sure disgusting but hey it works!
Madeline, 12 Iron, MNGuys! This stuff is magic!!
Evie, 12 Brandon, FloridaMom: I finally got him to take his medicine!
Son: This tastes AMAZING!!!
Look at this! Thank You!
Waylon, 4 KentuckyThank you for the medicine!
Kiley, 14 Honolulu, HawaiiWha!?! a bottle of apple juice!?!
Caleb, 6 Wilmington, NCLook I’m healed by this medicine!
Kayla, 7 Morton, IlMom, am I okay?👍
Kayla, 7 Morton, ILI was just trying to drink my medicine and then there was a big camera in front of me!
Abigail, 11 Vancouver WAThis is gross, take it back!
Eliana, 9 Vancouver WAGuess what? God provided me with this! Isn’t that so cool?
Thea, 12 Orrville, OhioAH! CAFFEINE!
Blaze, 8 Alden NYNo! I have to take medicine!
Ginny Kate, 12 Trussville, AlabamaOh my gosh! Look guys! I finally have medicane!
Jayna, 12 Sun Prairie, WIWatch out, world! Here comes I, Shavan, also known as Healed Kid! And thank you, SuperChurch, for giving me my superpower boost!
Kinsley, 10 Minneapolis, MinnesotaThis stuff really works!
Avonlea, 12 Fayetteville TennesseeLook, mom! It’s the amazing Compassion people!
Aaron, 13 Vacaville, CaliforniaShavan: Mommy, is Doc McStuffins gonna do a checkup on me?
Maggie: You’re not a stuffed animal, you’re a baby!
Shavan: Oh, okay.
Here’s some grape juice!
Alicia P, 7 New Brighton PAI love this medicine!
Paxley, 8 Columbia MoBaby: I’m shocked that I am better. Praise the Lord!
Georgina, 9 Chiliwack, BCHope you well.
Harper, 8 Columbia Mo“Does this stuff have caffeine!”
Sage, 11 Columbia, MOWant some of this magic healer thingie
Micah, 9 New Brighton, PAIs that a camera?
Rose, 11 Little Rock,ArOh, you try some please! This tastes soooo good!
Lila, 7 Mount Juliet, TNLook!!! It actually tastes GOOD!!!!
Patience, 13 SandpointIs this soda pop!?
Cordelia, 9 MinnesotaCan you believe my mom gave me coffee?
Eyvind, 5 MinnesotaLOOK!!! I have MEDICINE! It makes me STRONG !!!! mmmm mmmm I AM NO IONGGER SIK hehehe
Elizabeth, 10 sandpoint IDIHO…MOM!?
Genevieve, 13 Santa Rosa, CALook! You should try this, it works like a charm!!! 🙂
Darianna, 11 Eaton Rapids Michigan“Oh, look- this stuff made me all better!”
Annalisa, 10 Arlington, TexasHoly cow, that’s good stuff!
Adelaide, 11 Thompson's Station, TNLook! This medicine saved my life! Jesus can save yours, too!
Darcy, 11 Choctaw, OK“This medicine made me feel better!!” – Baby Shavan
Claire, 7 Springfield, VAscream’n thankful!
callia, 11 Ste. Genevieve moUganda let me thank you for this medicine!
Elijah, 9 Tulsa, OKHey! you want some too?
ivy, 14 bryan txHey kids, I’m Dr. Baby Shavan, and I’m here to remind you to take your medicine!
E. R., 10 York, NELook at my fancy new medicine!
S.R., 8 York, NEIt looks like soda but it doesn’t taste the same
Susanna, 11 Havana FLlook what i found Daddy!!
liberty , 13 stanton,IowaEveryone needs food and water
Nathan, 7 Houston, TXWoah! This stuff is amazing! Wanna try???
carly, 13 katy, texas“Hello, stranger! Do you want some mystery liquid? It’s free!”
Rachel, 12 Palmdale, California“This is the magic bottle that made me feel better!”
Tate, 13 Middleton, WiCheers to good health!
Caroline, 12 Stevens Point, WIThis stuff is AMAZING! Okay, well it doesn’t taste good, but it was worth it!
Hattie, 13 Prairie grove, ArMedicine gives you wings!
Robert, 9 Colleyville, TexasOh my gosh look at this beautiful medicine that Mom gave me!
(I’m acting! It’s the most vile thing iv’e ever tasted! SAVE ME!)
Behold, this amazing and awesome drink, that my mom doesn’t like.
Caleb, 10 Houston,TXYay! Let’s party now that I’m better! Party!
Eva, 9 Baltimore MDYummy yummy yummy…wait, GROSS!
Silas, 8 IdahoOh! cherry flavor! Yessss!
Gia, 12 WAThis is great apple juice!
Ethan, 8 Shelton,Wa“This tastes disgusting!”
Rue, 13 Coloradoeveryone a magic potion is in this bottle! it made me better!
Jackie, 8 richmond,vaTry it, it will change your life!!
Daniel, 13 Rapid City, South DakotaThis is amazing!!! What’s in this stuff??? Can I have more please?
Norah, 13 Springfield, MissouriLook at what Jesus has done me!
"Ashley", 12 Cheseapeake, VADo You Want some!! It will make you better!
Anna, 10 Bolivar, MoLook! Mom Just fed me this!
Anna, 10 Bolivar, MOShavan: Excuse me while I burp!
Mom: Do you really have to?
Do You Want some? I’m Just warning you this thing tastes Horrible!
Judah, 8 Bolivar, MOLook at this stuff!!!!!!
It’s magical!!!!!!!
Hey look mommy i have the best medicine in the world, it healed me.
Iris, 8 Sacramento CaliforniaMom: Can YOU try to convince him its not poison?
Eliza, 12 Covington OHBaby: Medicine party!!!
Mom: Whatever…
Look at this thingy!
Mary, 11 Orlando, FloridaEverybody look at this!
Mary, 11 Orlando, FloridaShavan: Hey mom! Mo-om!. MOMMY!!!
Mom: What is it?
Shavan: I have MEDICINE! I’m so glad Jesus did this for me!
It’s like a miracle in a bottle!
Evangeline, 10 Springfield, MABabysitting….
Cole, 9 Houston TXA joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.
Proverbs 17:22
Shavan: Wow! I have medicine! Look!
Mom: Shavan, you have been saying that for the past 15 minutes, but I am thankful God provided for us!
This stuff tastes TERRIBLE but it’s worth it!
Hattie, 13 prairie grove, Arkansas