Hey, Explorers!
Things are topsy-turvy right now, aren’t they? Because you are living through a unique time in history, we made this time capsule so you can record your memories.
Why would you want to remember the COVID-19 pandemic? Well, the world has changed SO much because of it that people will talk about it long into the future. Filling in these pages with words and pictures will remind your future self what it was like to live through a sad but historic time.
What is a time capsule?
It’s usually a container that people put items in and then bury. After many years they dig it up to remember the past. You don’t have to bury this … just keep it safe. Then wait at least a year to look at it again!
Note for parents:
Most older kids won’t need much help following the prompts on these pages. You’ll need to guide younger kids through, writing down their replies and/or letting them draw them.