Fruit Eyes
Just because you play with your food doesn’t mean you can’t also eat it! Jenny is a student in Compassion’s program in Colombia. She’s having fun with some orange slices to celebrate receiving a basket of groceries from her Compassion center. Kids like Jenny get regular health checkups to make sure they are growing strong.
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Look-I have an owl’s eyes (size at least!)!
Shiloh, 10 Raleigh, North CarolinaHey dude, look at my new sunglasses. You look marvelous through them!
Kayla, 7 Morton, IL“Don’t drink too much, it’s CALF-inated”
Tess, 16 Pasco, WAAylin’s family bought the calf because it can produce items like milk, eggs… wait a second, cows don’t make eggs!
Katherine, 8 Altoona, IAMy eyes !! There .… orange!!!!🍊
Ayla, 9 Greer, SCI spy with my little eye something orange.
Brynlee, 10 Bend, OregonEye spy with my little eyes something orange, guess what it is!
Adelyn, 7 Elk Grove, CaliforniaOrange you glad we have oranges? I don’t know where my eyes would be without them!
Evalee, 11 NebraskaLook at my yummy eye balls!
Serena, 8 NebraskaMy new eyes give me super cool superpowers!!!!
Emery, 12 Summerville SC“Mama, why do my eyes sting?”
Abigail, 9 Blue Ridge, TX“Anyone else see just orange?”
Isaiah, 11 Blue Ridge, TXWhy am I smilling? Ekk acidic acid!!
Gabe, 9 Cartersville GerogiaCheck out my new sunglasses! They’re stylish, citrusy, and they have UV protection!
Faith, 12 Yukon, OklahomaOrange you glad we can see each other?!?!
Ari, 10 Albany, OregonPlease don’t turn my eyes into orange juice!!
Davis, 12 Richmond, VALook mom I made my own binoculars ••• kinda hurts though
Zachary, 11 Elk Grove CaliforniaORANGE you glad you have eyes to see ME!
Evidelle, 10 Snow Hill, MDIf I can’t see you, you can’t see me!
Billybob, 11 OhioAll I can see is Vitamin C!
Evelyn, 12 Elizabethtown, KentuckyOrange you glad to see me?!
Liv, 10 Highlands Ranch, ColoradoSome people like to wear night vision goggles, but I prefer to wear orange vision goggles!
Ellia, 14 Newaygo MIMom look, My eyes match my shirt!
Noel, 14 Newaygo MILook at my super cool new orange eyes!!!
Emily, 11 Summerville SCThis is so fun! Hopefully bugs don’t get on my eyes!
Reagan, 11 Gilberts, ILlook I have orange eyes
Jordan, 10 Toledo OHI spy with my orange eye… something orange!
Avery, 12 Ozark, MOOrange you glad to see me!!!
Liv, 10 Highlands Ranch, ColoradoAll I can see is orange!
Katie, 11 Quakertown, PAOrange you glad eye love God?
Lauralee, 12 Jefferson, WILemon eyes! I love you.
Taylor, 3 Lake Forest, CaliforniaMom, Can I have a spa day with oranges instead of cucumbers?
I wonder if it will still work!
Orange you glad I have orange eyes?
Noah, 7 Canal Winchester, ohLaser eyes activated!
Azriela, 8 Bozeman, MTAm I the only person in the world that has orange eyes?
Savannah, 12 Bloomingdale, IllinoisOrange you glad God didn’t give us fruit eyes? I can’t see anything!
Carly, 13 Katy, TexasI’m going craaazy!
Eliza, 13 Everett, WashingtonHey mom, “I look like a chameleon!”
Charlotte, 7 Marlborough, MAAh! All I can see is orange!
Reagan, 11 Gilberts, ILI thought only carrots were good for eyesight!
Hey! Those are some cool glasses!
Lizzie, 10 Smithtown, New YorkOK perfect now I gotta get the rest of the materials to make my sunglasses!!!
Natalie, 9 Felton CaliforniaHow did my eye get so big?
Malachi, 8 Robbinsdale MNAre all orange foods good for your eyes?
Pearl, 5 Robbinsdale MNWow, isn’t the sunset beautiful… wait, it’s the middle of the day.
Simeon, 11 Robbinsdale, MNJenny to her mom: Orange you glad I’m helping with the groceries?
Lily, 12 Cumming, GATake the picture already I’m getting lemon juice in my eyes!!!!
Grace, 13 Boiling Springs, SCHi! It’s me! Orange ya glad?
Adelynn, 11 Simpsonville, SCFor a spa,I think I can use this instead of cucumbers!
Eliana, 10 Daly City California“Just Trying To Make Lemonade Out Of Lemons!”
Samuel, 13 Pinckney MichiganFeeling orangetastic!
Evangeline, 10 Springfield, MAif these were facing the other way I would have lemon juice in my eyes
Lydia, 10 Minnesota PlymouthGirl: Look at my new glasses their delicious!
Charlee, 10 Navarre, Florida FLOh my!! I ate too many oranges! Now I am turning into one!! 🍊😁
Elyana, 11 Ocala, FloridaBuzz, buzz! I’m a fly! Or, I could have a spa day! Or, I could just eat these yummy oranges!
Lily, 11 Columbia, TnForget cucumbers, a real spa day calls for orange slices!
Liam and Micah, 14 and 10 Murfreesboro, TNI have heard of the saying, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” But I say, “When life gives you lemons, make really cool sunglasses”
Brady, 11 Franklin TNHave a sunny day!
Davis Riggs, 9 Pocola, OkHave you taken the picture yet? The orange juice stings my eyes!
Gia B., 12 Spokane, WAJenny: Look at me!
Jenny’s mom: Jenny, are you playing with your food again?
Jenny:😬 umm…
What’s that animal with the big orange eyes called? Anyways, that’s me!
Micah, 10 Wappingers, NYOrange you glad we know Jesus!
Andrew, 10 Maineville, OhioLemons are good for your eyes! Or, wait! That’s carrots!
Jax, 11 Franklin TNOranges make good eyes!
Maggie, 9 Scott City, MOahh, this is really helping me relax after watching bugs bunny!
Anna, 10 Bolivar, MOOrange you glad you met me?!
Molly, 12 Glen Burnie MDMy eyes hurt from this lemon juice!
Evie, 12 Mount Laurel, NJMy eyes are feeling more sticky than usual.
Savannah, 6 Winchester, TennesseeWho knew you could get such slay glasses from a grocery store ?!
Anna, 10 years colorado springs,coloradoSQUEEZE ATTACK!!!!
Cole, 10 Houston, TexasI have little orange eyes.
Harper, 9 Columbia MoI love oranges!
Paxley, 9 Columbia, MoLook at my new glasses!
Elanor, 11 Milton, FL“Do these oranges make my eyes look big?”
Gianna, 12 Tyler, TXOranges! Wait- OUCH! My eyes sting!
Aliza, 13 Eureka, CAHEY MOM!! I GOT NEW GLASSES!!!
Elanor, 11 Milton FLWhoa! What happened?! Everything’s ORANGE!
Eva, 11 Tempe, ArizonaLook! Somebody spilled orange juice on the world now the world is orange 🍊
Bea, 5 Tempe, ArizonaOh look! It’s an orange orange!
Teo, 7 Tempe, ArizonaOrange you glad I’ve got new food!?
Noe’, 9 Tempe, ArizonaOrange you glad Jesus loves you!
Aubrey, 11 Mechanicsburg, PAOrange you glad that God loves us!
Maxwell, 7 Novi, MIEye have lemonitis!
Victor, 7 Evansville, INOrange you glad I have some oranges!
Quinn, 12 Grand Island, NEGoogly eyes: orange slice edition.
Kaitlyn, 14 Indian Trail, NCWhen life gives you lemons, make some sweet glasses.
Koen, 12 Lincoln, Nebr.I spy with my orange eyes…
Mercy, 8 Wichita, KSLet’s make orange juice!
Hadlynn, 11 Wichita, KSI vitamin C you!
Evie, 9 Wichita, KansasLook at my eclipse glasses! They are so slay!
Mary and Vincent, (Mary) 11 and (Vincent) 9 Orlando, FloridaSmiling through the pain!
Mary, 11 Orlando, FloridaI tried to find the limes but…
Kaylee T, 12 Grand Island, NEOranges on my eyes!
Caleb, 4 Shawnee KSDude, I got new food!
Kayla, 7 Morton, IlSay, lemonee!
Lane, 8 Wichita Falls,TX“Orange you just loving these sunglasses?!”
Hopper, 6 Marietta, GAPeek a boo! Wait, where are you?
Elizabeth, 12 Grand Island, NEWhere’s Waldo?
Caroline, 13 Stevens Point, WisconsinMy mom always says, “When life give you oranges make orange-ade?!”
Micah, 10 New Brighton, PAWhy is everything yellow??
Bryn, 11 Christiansburg, VirginiaLet’s make some lemonade, Jenny! Oh, yeah. We could use lemons as eyes, too!
Rhema, 9 Concord, North CarolinaAHHH THE LEMON MONSTER!!
David, 11 Tecumseh, MI