
Shell-o there!

José is an 11-year-old from Ecuador who loves exploring the beach and searching for crabs. “We like to fish at the beach. Sometimes we catch eight fish and take them home, where my mother prepares them so we all can have dinner,” he says. 

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No way Jose! You’re not gonna catch me! Lola, 14 Mint Hill, NC

Life is better with a pinch of hermit crab!

Regan, 12 Bismarck, North Dakota

Mission: sneak up on crab.

CRAB: um watcha doing???

JOSÉ: I need backup I’ve been caught!!!

Evangeline, 11 Glendale, Arizona

I became one with the crab

Elora, 9 Glendale, Arizona

CRAB: Why do I get the feeling someone is always behind me?….
JOSE: Hope he doesn’t turn around!!!

Evidelle, 10 Snow Hill, MD

Crab: Hey buddy I haven’t seen you in a long ti- wait a minute who are you

Peter, 9 Lathrup Village, MI

Hay your not so scary… your just big!

Emma, 13 Denver, CO

José: “Hello, There. What’s your name?
Crab: “GET OUT OF MY FACE!!!!!”

Isaac, 11 Toledo, OH

“Fear the mighty hermit crab!…Oh, wow. You’re big.”

Bethany, 10 Hutto, Texas

Hello little crab.

Naomi, 10 Red Rock, AZ

Here crabby crabby come to papa

Aubrey, 12 Mechanicsburg, PA

Stand back kid, I know karate!

Avery, 14 Naples, Florida

Something is fishy here!

Micah, 11 Victorville, CA

I was really crabby til I got my dinner of crab!

Matthew, 9 Omaha, NE

Why did the crab cross the road?
It didn’t. It used the sidewalk.

Mercy, 12 Elkhorn, NE

Boy: hello tiny guy!

Crab: don’t talk to me i’m crabby!!

Gracie, 5 Omaha, NE

How did the crab get out of prison? It used its escape claws.

Ruby, 3 Elkhorn, NE

You look cool little guy!

Paxley, 9 Columbia, Mo

Crabsolutely Clawsome fist bump!

Sage, 12 Columbia, Mo

I’m going to catch you!

Harper, 9 Columbia, Mo

Who is going to win this staring contest?

Ellie, 10 Castroville, TX

1, 2, 3, 4, I declare a thumb war.
5, 6, 7, 8, who do we appreciate

Shiloh, 10 Raleigh, North Carolina

“Arm wrestle! Or… pincer wrestle?”

Naomi, 12 Orange City, Iowa

I found you again!

Luke, 7 Tulsa, Oklahoma

Crab: “Don’t get closer or I’ll pinch you!”
George: “I just want to hold you.”

C.J., 13 Grass Valley, California

I’m catching a crab, but I wish the water was soda.

Katherine, 9 Altoona, IA

Oh, hello there! Would you like a crab shake?

Livi, 7 Springfield, OR

“Wow I’ve never seen anyone do the crabwalk better than me!”

Jacob, 12 Scott City Missouri

Look, Mom! He’s waving at me!

Katie, 14 Scott City, Missouri

Crab: “Hiya there big fella.”
José: “I thought my dad was big!”

Maggie, 9 Scott city Missouri

Hi there I am a krab – krab

thomas, 8 Winnsboro TX

I am going Crabby

james, 10 Winnsboro TX

1, 2, 3, 4, I declare a thumb war.
5, 6, 7, 8, who do we appreciate

Shiloh, 10 Raleigh, North Carolina

Welcome Jose, to the Krusty Krab!

Noah, 8 Canal Winchester, Ohio

I am quite Crabby Sonny – Crab

james, 10 Winnsboro TX

uh oh I had better crab out of here – crab

thomas, 8 Winnsboro TX

This wasn’t such a fishy discovery after all!

Izzy, 12 Ashland, NE

I am going very very very crabby because, you are the first crabby crab that is crabby grump dumpling. -Jose

James, 10 Winnsboro, TX

Jose: Tag! You’re it!
Crab: Don’t touch me!
Jose: Sorry! (mumbles) Forgot how crabs can be.
Crab: What did you say?
Jose: Nothing! Nothing! I’ll leave you alone now!

Jade, 10 Big City, USA

Jose: Shell-o Mr crab would you want to come over for dinner?
Mr Crab: If I’m for dinner, NO!!

Ainsley, 11 Puyallup, Washington

Look! The crab’s saying ‘hi!’ to me!

Claire, 8 Springfield, VA

“Here crabby Clawrence… OUCHHHHH!”

Caroline & Josiah, 13 & 11 Stevens Point, WI

Boy: “Aww, come a little closer!” Crab:
“umm….well..uh…I think I better be going!

Cole, 10 Houston, TX

Hi there, crab! Can I eat you for dinner?

Elliot, 5 Houston, TX

crab: go and pick on someone your own size!

Nathan, 8 Houston, TX

Staring contest! Don’t blink!

Emery, 11 Bluff Dale, Texas

Long tide, no sea

Edie, 10 Bluff Dale, Texas

Watch out I have pincers!

Amy, 11 Stephenville, Texas

That crab is giving me a crabby look!

Oliver, 6 Gloucester Township. NJJ

That crab is giving me a crabby look!

Oliver, 6 Gloucester Township, NJ

Crab: “Why did the crab cross the road?”
José: “To get to the other tide!”

Gabe, 11 North Bloomfield, OH

Crab: “Get, get … get away from me!”

Bay, 11 Moss Point, MS

José: “Hi, remember me, Mr. Crab?”
Crab: “Long time no sea!”

Claire, 13 Tolland CT

Crab: Please😅 don’t eat me.

José: Umm😅

Crab: How about I have a stinger😅. Your still gonna eat me?! No no noooooo!

Vincent, 10 Windermere, Florida

José: “Here crabby crabby!”

Crab: “Hello! Please don’t eat me!”

Malachi, 9 Robbinsdale, Minn.

This guy’s crabsolutely the best dancer EVER!!!!!!!!!!

Bethany, 12 Syracuse, NY

José: aww so cute

Crab: let’s pinch

Ayla, 9 Greenville, South Carolina

Don’t worry crab, I won’t eat you for dinner.

Koen, 13 Lincoln, NE

I am a crab in all ways but pisical.

Bryn, 11 Christiansburg, VA

Crab: Want to fight?
Boy: No.
Crab: Too late, put um up!

Levi, 11 BC, OR

Don’t you dare pinch me! I’ve already had to deal with the jellyfish.

Kaitlyn, 14 Indian Trail, NC

José: “AWW, so cute!”
Crab: “Ahhhh alright put ’em up!”

Jordan, 11 Toledo, OH

“Hey, that’s not how you crab walk!”

Samuel, 9 Greencastle, IN

Hello Sebastian! Will you and your band play me a song about Jesus please?

Annalisa, 11 Arlington, TX

Here crabby crabby, come to papa!

Aubrey, 12 Mechanicsburg, PA

José: Don’t you look yummy, Mr. Crab!
Mr. Crab: Please do not eat me!

Micah, 10 New Brighton, PA

Tell me your secrets, Crabby!

Tirzah, 9 Kansas City, MO

Boy: So, can I come over to your house?
Crab: Sure, you got fish?
Boy: Yep, eight fish

Amelia, 11 Ovilla, Texas

Crabby, Crabby, come to me and do the crab walk!!!

Alicia, 8 New Brighton, PA

– Tickling match, Crabby?
– You’re on!

Peter, 10 Libertyville, Illinois

Well, don’t you look crabulous?

Lauren, 13 Goshen, Indiana

Don’t be crabby, Mr. Crab!

Lila, 8 Mt Juliet, TN

Heeeere, crabby crabby!

Kayla, 8 Morton, Il

Jose: Hello, crab! I think I’ll name you Sheldon! Do you like that?

Crab: What do you think? I’m a crab! I’m crabby. Of course I don’t like it!

Jose: Oh, right. I forgot. Crabs are grumpy.

Rhema, 9 Concord, North Carolina

“Get out of the way Sonny, Crabby is coming through!” – Crabby

Kezia, 12 Spokane, WA

José: Hi there, little guy.
Crab: Ahhh it’s a giant!
José: Aw you are so cute.
Crab: You insult me! Alright, I am ready. Come on, hiya!

Jordan, 11 Toledo Ohio

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