
Leaf Umbrellas

Read some of your fun captions from Spring 2017 issue.

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What a big leaf!!!
what a big umbrella!!

Connie, 11 korea

girl 1: yep, they do.
girl 2: then why am I soaking wet while you guys are all dry???

Grace, 7 Broomfield, CO

Me: “I wish we had giant leaves in Michigan!”
Girl 2#: “Why don’t you come get ’em? They’re selling like hotcakes!”

Myla, 11 Gladwin, Michigan

is it raining?

Sophia, 9 purcell M.O.

Where did all the umbrellas go? I guess I will use these.

Annabella, 10 Orlando, Florida

Look at our AWESOME unbrella! It’s the fashon!

Alayna, 13 Shakopee, MN

I will survive?

Alex, 10 Houston, Texas

If there is not enough room for me then I’m out!

Khloe, 10 Arkansas

GIRL ONE: You think the leafs are big enough to cover us all? GIRL TWO: Its RAINING!!! LET ME UNDER THE LEAF!!! GIRLS ONE and THREE: Sorry!! No room!!!

kara, 13 gentryville,IN

Why do we have a long leaf?

Jordana, 7 Rutherford Nj

this nature thing came in handy

myla, 9 calgary ab

Okay we made a leaf umbrella. Now let’s make a tree umbrella.

sophia, 8 Nashville Tennessee

Looks like our magic umbrella came in handy after all.

Thea, 7 Orrville, Ohio

This isn’t helping …

Lydia, 11 Waldorf, Md.

Do the leaves have holes?

Amelia, 10 Lansing, Mich.

Since it’s raining, the leaf should get bigger …

Liam, 9 Brownsburg, Ind.

We are one with the forest!

Elliana, 13 Shakopee, Minn.

When will we be back at camp?!

Rehmi, 8 Ensenada, Mexico

I cannot get to school! (There is a leaf in the way.)

Lilliana, 10 Chester, Ill.

I love to go green with leaves!

Lilliana, 10 Chester, Ill.

I’m wet! I need an extra leaf!

Naela, 8 Laporte, Minn.

I believe I can fly!

Katelyn, 12 Knoxville, Tenn.

This is fun! So, what are going to explore now? The road is so muddy-squishy! Hey my feet are sinking!

Naela, 8 Laporte, Minn.

Your leaves look like birds’ wings.

Jaques, 5 Gorham, Maine

We’re going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship — oh yeah, we don’t have a rocket ship.

Rebecca, 10 Baltimore, Md.

Darnit, we forgot our umbrellas again!

Olivia, 11 Eden Prairie, Minn.

Sorry guys, school’s canceled. There’s a leaf in the way.

Mekiah, 10 Oak Harbor, Wash.

Back at it again with the leaves!

Gage, 6 Albuquerque, N.M.

“We are fearless explorers and nothing scares us. Ahh, a hornet!” “Where?!”

Richie, 10 Oak Harbor, Wash.

The leaves look like fans.

Maggie, 6 Flintstone, Ga.

Oh yeah! New hoverboard!

Vanessa, 10 Milan, Italy

Hey, these leaves make a good umbrella.

Judah, 9 Marble Falls, Texas