
Let's Roll

This boy in the Philippines is all dressed up for a motorcycle ride. In countries where Compassion works, it’s common to see kids riding on the backs of motorcycles — sometimes with several other people.

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I’m not tryna be shady or anything. Izzy, 12 Ashland, NE

Sup, bro?

Katie, 11 Quakertown, PA

What are you looking at?

Evie, 12 Mount Laurel, NJ

Hey, Mom, did you notice? I got new shades.

Abigail, 10 Post Falls, I.D.

Is there problem, officer?

Darcy, 11 Choctaw, Oklahoma

Do you like my shades?

Norah and Audrey, 13 and 10 Minnesota

Don’t make me pull you over..

Ethan, 10 WA

you got this!

Connie, 11 korea

Policeman: Kid, do you have a license?
Kid: Why you asking me? I got a life to live!

Kenzie, 11 Coral Springs, FL

Come on Dad I can drive this thing.

Daniel, 12 Cleveland, OH

It’s just your average five year old, out for a morning motorcycle ride.

Magnolia, 11 Sarcoxie MO

boy: Now do we go left?
passenger: Right.
boy: Huh?!
policeman: Hey kid, pull over.

Whitney, 12 Gilberts, IL

I’m so ready to do this. But um mom you are coming with me to right?!?!

Grace, 10 Carlsbad C.A

“I told you already, I am 16!”

Brooklynn, 14 Morgantown, WV

i bet you cant do this

marissa, 9 texas

On a scale of one to ten how much do I look like Tom Cruise right now?

Reggie, 13 Castle Rock, CO

But Dad, I know how to drive!

Collin, 10 Spearfish, South Dakota

I look so cool right now.

Sophia, 9 purcell M.O.

What up, bro?

Anna, 13 Boaz, KY

‘What’s up dude?!’

Adia, 8 Curlew, WA

Sup, Ya’ll!

Lydia M., 11 Meadow Vista, CA

UH…Mom i was just…??

Audey, 12 Remington, In

the cool kid is in the house

Heajen, 10 Goshen IN

It’s time to ride!!!

Airi, 8 Accokeek, MD

Nothing to look at here!!!

Lucy, 10 Maryland,Westminster

Well, we better get going…

Savannah, 10 Wilmington, NC

Buckle up, ladies!

Abagale, 13 Brunswick,GA

My friends call me Shades. But you can call me Sir!

Ava, 13 Bainbridge Island, Washington

What? I like my glasses.

Lucia, 13 Summerville, South Carolina

I’m the boss here

Micah, 11 Tyrone PA

Just going for an evening ride. Don’t mind me.

Addy, 11 Imperial, Missouri

Officer: Do you have a license to drive that tricycle?
Child: Umm….no?

Addison, 11 Imperial, Missouri

Welcome to your new motorcycle service! Kids only, please.

Emma, 11 Tacoma, WA

Am I old enough to drive mom?

June, Age 10 Maryland

Wait, your asking for my license…….. it’s gotta be around here somewhere.

Avi, 12 Marathon WI

hey dad, can i drive today?

Kinslee, 14 new braunfels, texas

Young but tough.

Amanda, 10 Moorestown, NJ

What are you looking at?

Addy, 11 Imperial, Missouri

It’s all about the shades.

kayla, 13 nebraska

Put your hands up! Police in the house!

Chloe, 10 Jacksonville Florida

Can you see my badge? Do you need glasses?

Sierra, 7 Abingdon, VA

Huh? Am I old enough?

Naomi, 11 Villa Park IL

I like it ready to roll.

Ada, 8 virginia

Rollin along

Reno, 5 Fes, Morocco

Ride- along

Ruby, 11 Mt. Carmel

Look, it’s my badge.

Lily, 12 Fort Wayne, Ind.

better put on my helmet!

Makayla, 3 Cleveland Ohio

gotta go. later peeps

Sofia, 9 Roseville ,Michigan

Do you know how fast you were going out there?

Gracie, 11 Canton, Michigan

Excuse me I’ll need your name

Ashley Hedstrom, Age 9 Monument Colorado

Sooooo, you thought you’d get away with it, huuh? See my badge?

Summer, 9 Apple Valley,MN

Repeat repeat we got a 10-31.

Rebecca, 9 Colorado,Colorado

Sup, America! (;

Layla McClellan, 11 (Finally!) Florida

You speed, bud!

Soren, 11 Colorado Springs, CO

Is there a problem officer?

Noah, 12 Waukesha, Wisconsin

Don’t mind me, I’m just out for a midnight ride to catch up on some things.

Addie, 11 South Carolina

Do you really think i would go somewhere without my license

Levi, 12 Placerville, CA.

Let’s rock and roll!!

Will, 10 Phoenix, AZ

Police Joseph reporting for duty.

Susannna, 11 Watertown, NY

Sir do you have a driver license?
no no don”t my future has it

annika, 10 LA

“Hey, how do you drive this thing?”

Elah, 12 Dorchester WI

I know that it looks like I’m on a bicycle, but I’m actually on a car! And I’m super old now, ’cause I’m 5 now! And I shaved my beard!

Joelle, 8 Delta,BC

You have glasses!

Sevillen, 5 Delta,BC

What do you mean when you say my helmet’s too big? It fits me just fine.

Ani, 12 Redlands, California

Ready for an adventure? I am!

Sophia Marie , 9 Rochester, MN

Uh-oh! Busted!

Maja Elizabeth, 7 Rochester, MN

Let’s ride this motorcycle!…..How do you turn this on?????

Lucas, 10 Pittsbugh,PA

I am totally not too young to ride a motorcycle.

Abigail, 11 Brampton, Ontario

“No, I will drive.”

Cora, 10 Moberly,MO

Oh no! A kid loose on a motorbike! Catch ’em!

Myla, 10 Winnipeg, MB

Hurry up dad!

Theodore, 8 Marshalltown, Iowa

What? You think I’m to young to drive??

Camryn, 12 Gainesville, Georgia

Police department here, just how fast do you think you were going, sir?

Abigail, 10 Arvada, CO

“Is it against the law to do this? I really want to… PLEASE?!”

Hannah, 11 Matthews,NC

“Excuse me ma’am, you’re under arrest.”

“For what?”

“For being a grown up, obviously.”

Audrey, 9 Markham, Ontario

My name is Bond… James Bond.

Lincoln, 12 Calgary, AB

Hasta la vista mom! I’m just going to high tea with the Queen in style!

Lincoln, 12 Calgary, AB

What do ya want?

Grace, 11 Scottsdale Arizona

honey I know you don’t like it when I go away but I’ll be back by midnight!!!!!!!!!!

myla, 9 calgary ab

Who’s there?… This is my motorcycle! …Yes it’s mine!… I can drive you know!

Edmund, 10 North Delta,B.C

Kid: Excuse me, I’m driving.
Brother: No, you’re not!
Kid: Yes, I am!
Dad: None of you are! I’m driving!
Both kids: No, you’re not!!!

Kariisa, 13 Delta,BC

“Honey I’ll by home before dark!”

Alayna, 12 Eden Prairie MN

Looking cool, ready to roll!

Lydia & Violet, 12 and 9 Harrisburg, PA

Goin’ for a ride?

Tovah, 10 Olympia, WA

Are you licensed to drive?

Alana, 14 Honolulu

Joe Cool

Kelsey, 12 Knoxville, TN

Officer Catch U Speeding…
U Be Like: “Oops I Did It again!”
Officer Be Like:

Bob, 13 Santa Clara, California

“They See Me Rolling”

Jeff, 7 New York City, New York

What, you haven’t seen a kid on a motorcycle before?!???

Julia, 10 Madison, AL

It’s a hot day, and I’m goin’ for a cool ride!

Daniel, 9 Chicago, IL

Gotta go. I’m late for a date.

Brian, 5 Houston, Texas

I finally got my driver’s license!

Helen, 10 Camrose, Alberta

Can’t stop for photos. I got to go!

Madeline, 9 Iron mn

Breaking news! Kid wins Motorcycle Olympics!

Addy, 8 Elizabethton TN

Just going for lunch!

Ethan, 11 Grass Valley CA

Which way did he go?

Josiah, 6 Jackson TN

Hey what are you looking at.

Nadia, 11 Watsontown, Pennsylvania

Look at my cool glasses!
Wait! Who turned off the lights?

Timothy, 7 Redmond, Washington

I don’t have time for pictures! I got to get to school!

Carly, 9 Katy,Texas

sooooooo . . . . when can you stop taking that picture so i can go ……. . this is serious work ok. gotta go!

audrey, 12 menlo park california

nice talking with you. N

Drew, 8 menlo park CA

What are you lookin’ at?!

Brody, 10 Rockledge, FL

You coming or what…???

Andreya, 13 Baldwin, Wisconsin

The name is Bond, James Bond

Timothy, 11 Geneseo,NY

Who said I’m too young to ride?

Emerson, 10 Coeur d'Alene, ID

Oops… you caught me, Mom. I was just gonna take the keys and go for a little drive

Ani, 12 Redlands, California

Sup dude!

Josh, 11 Apex, NC

Okay let’s go! Oh no turn right!

Channing, 7 Highlands Ranch, CO

weio! weio! weio!

Zenon, 9 Madison WI

Don’t I look cool?

Avery, 10 Quinter, KS

On the count of three people! 1,2,……. hi Mom……

Elise, 12 Como, Colorado

Chill, dudes.

Lucy, 11 DeKalb, IL

Nice, Creative, Love all my friends and family.????

Olivia, 12 Cottonwood,Arizona

Um,Dad I need help!

Peyton, 10 Cincinnati,OH

whuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh…? O. ‘Sup duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude

Nate, 10 Grass Valley, C.A.

“Hey, hands up, you’re under arrest!”

London, 12 Weiser, ID

Let’s go riding! But I don’t know what to ride….how about the motorcycle?

Madie, 8 Weiser, ID

Come on slowpokes, I’m ready to ride!

Kylie, 12 Boise, Idaho

Hop on, I’ll show you my city and my great skills.

JACK, 10 menlo park CA

Sorry, Mom, on a roll!

Lucia, 10 Old Lyme, Conn.

Aren’t you a bit young to be on a motorcycle? Yes, yes I am.

Annika, 10 Los Angeles, Calif.

Hey! What’s up guys.

C.J., 8 Grass Valley, CA

Let’s turn. Oops! I pressed the backwards button!

Will, 10 Whitinsville, MA

I’m officer kid, and in the name of the law, you’re under arrest!

Kourtneigh, 10 Baton Rouge, Louisiana

What’s that noise! Vroom! Vroom!

Graham, 7 Waxhaw, NC

Did I just hear “extra fries”??

carly, 13 Waxhaw, NC

Mother knows best, listen to your mother!

Jackson, 11 Waxhaw, North Carolina

Me: Hello officer!
Officer: Excuse me, but you were going way above the speed limit.

Liberty, 14 Aurora, Colorado

License and registration please.

Emilio, 10 Newnan Georgia

not another ticket!

kara, 12 gentryville,IN

Excuse me sir, Do you know how fast you went?

Roman, 11 Miami,Flordia

Um….. Mom I’ve got the Keys and this is not the garage….. But I’m going to rock and roll

Abigail, 11 Mt. Vernon Ohio

“Hey Dude, What are you lookin at?”

Kennedy, 10 Ann Arbor, MI

“Dude…not cool.”

Anna and Sophia Ogden, 9 and 11 Perkasie, Pennsylvania

You need to see my ID? What’s a drivers license?

Laurel, 13 Daphne, Alabama.

Need a ride?

Harper, 10 Birmingham, Alabama.

Move it!! Important person coming through!

Faith, 11 Eden Prairie, MN

Vroom vroom, I’m off to the moon!

Olivia, 13 Eden Prairie, MN

Can’t talk gotta…vroooom!!bye!!

Theodore, 8 Marshalltown, IA

‘Sup dudes, what do you think of my sweet ride? Pretty sick right?

Amalie, 10 Colorado Springs, Co

“Dad can I go for a ride now?”

ava, 8 Mcminville, Oregon

“But… Officer, I Wasn’t Speeding!
“Why did you pull me over?”

Brennan, 11 Mcminville, Oregon

Look out, I’m always watching you!

Iva, 10 Pismo Beach, California

No, police officer, I wasn’t speeding

Isabelle Elverud, 14 Normangee,Tx

To busy to talk I’m going on a motorcycle ride!

Genevieve, 9 Fredericksburg TX

What’s ‘sup?

Emily, 11 Barboursville, Virginia

Don’t mind me guys, i’m just bein’ awesome with my sweet ride!

Mary, 13 Cleburne, Texas

Excuse me ma’am, but do you have any idea how fast you were going?

Eden, 12 Las Vegas, Nevada

Umm, can I help you? You’re messing up my look.

Mary Claire, 12 Athens, GA

Sup’ dude?!

Gwyn, 12 Lafayette, I.N.

Your helmet is falling off!

Finn, 6 Curlew, WA

What are you looking at?!

Carson, 4 Curlew, WA

I’ve got my helmet,my glasses and the key ….. so how do you start this thing????

Evie, 7 Panama City Beach, FL

Son:Hey dad,how do I look
Dad:Son, you look just like me

Adelyn, 11 Puyallup WA

is that the ice-cream truck?

Tristan, 10 USA NJ

Sup, bro? Just going to get some ice cream!

Makenna, 11 Bryan,TX

Aw please Mom, can’t I drive just this once?

Hope, age 10 Ephrata, Pa

Are we there yet?

Charlotte, 9 Manassas, VA

Hi mom,I’m just going for a ride! Be right back!

Abby, 10 Augusta,Ga

my Shades make me look cool!

Andrew, 12 East point, GA

To answer your question I do look really cool

Andreya, 13 Baldwin,wisconsin

“Uh…make way for me because I’m a kid!”

Reagan, 6 Gilberts, IL

“What do you want?”

Jude, 8 Colorado Springs, CO

“What?! Oh, sorry, I didn’t know I was speeding!”

Lily, 11 Falcon Heights, Minnesota

Check out my sweet ride!

Emmeline, 11 Ambler, Pennsylvania

This isn’t my bravest about-to-fight face, just so you know.

Jackson, 8 Oak Creek, Wisconsin

Let’s ride dude

Hannah, 11 Rochester,MN

Excuse me, sir… do you have any idea how fast you were going?

Jack , 14 Tumwater, Washington

Sorry Mom! I stole Dad’s motorcycle to go get some ice cream!

Noelle Bayramian, 9 Canyon Country, CA

Uh…Hello officer, can I help you?

Alayna, 14 Lincoln, CA

1,2,3… ZOOM!!!

Lillian, 7 Uniontown, OH

Oh, hi, Mom.!
I was just….

Elise, 12 Como, CO

You got a license there, buddy? ‘Cause you look kind of underage…

Nora, 12 Prescott, Arizona

Sup. I’m the best driver in town!

Heidi, 13 Colorado Springs CO

What? You saying I can’t drive?

Bobby, 7 Olimpia WA


zac, 11 Colorado Springs CO

Them kicks are drippen!

LARRY, 5 Olimpia WA

Is it lunchtime yet ?

Henry, 10 Lebanon ,Ohio

Let’s roll out dude!

Faith, 12 Gobles MI

Excuse me miss official police business

Lu s., 11 Los Angeles, Calif.

I’m finally a police!

Adah, 12 Galena, Ill.

Sweet ride huh

Fin, 9 Leander Texas

Sorry, uh, what’s that you said?

Abigail, 9 Germantown, MD

mom i know i don’t have a license yet, but can i drive just this once

Ella, 8 Kennesaw, GA

Dad, I’m Driving today!

Britney, 11(soon!) Florda

What are you lookin at?

Jeremiah, 10 Hernando Mississippi

“What do you mean I can’t drive your motorcycle?”

Grace and Julia, 13 and 10 Dublin, Ohio

“Sir, I have give you a ticket.”
”Was I speeding?”
”No, you were looking too cool on that motorcycle!”

Layla, 11 Florida

Did you seriously just ask if you could ride my motorcycle?

Isabelle, 12 Belmont, Michigan

Vroom, Vroom, Vroo- wait what mom?

Josie, 11 Ashland Ohio

Playing with my toy car! Oops! burnt my leg on the muffler! Ouch!

Henry, 9 Ashland Ohio

Mom, I’m hungry now.

Esther, 6 Ashland Ohio

They see me rolling

Sofia, 9 Roseville, Mich.

sup dude, want a ride?

Rosie, 10 Detroit lakes, MN

Time to drive and get going!

Elizabeth, 12 Louisville Kentucky

Cool shades

Emma, 9 Louisville Kentucky

Cool Motorcycle

Andrew, 5 Louisville Kentucky

Wait, who’s driving this thing?! Me?? It’s going to be a bumpy ride!

Lydia, 9 Spicer, MN

See ya later ladies!

Addison, 11 Staley, North Carolina

Want a ride?

Quin, 14 Georgia

Well hello didn’t see you there!!

Piper M, 11 Winston Salem North Carolina

do I look like Tony Stark?

tobey, 13 pittsburgh, PA

What you looking at buddy ?

Evan, 12 Cameron,NC


Jack , 12 Starkville, MS

You ready?

Felix , 11 Harrisburg, IL

Philippine junior police reporting for duty.

Jack , 11 Kaukauna, Wisconsin

Uh, Chief, I’m late for work, please let me go, I promise I won’t go so fast!

Naela, 9 Laporte MN