Dragon Breather

Focusing on your breathing is a great way to calm your mind when you have big feelings. This fire-breathing dragon craft is a fun way to breathe with purpose! Next time you feel afraid or so angry you think you could breathe fire, try this fun way to cool off. It works best if you pray while you do it!

- 1 empty cardboard tube (from toilet paper or a halved paper towel tube).
- 1 sheet of construction paper.
- Glue stick.
- 2 medium-size pompoms for eyes.
- 2 googly eyes.
- 2 small pompoms for nostrils.
- Hot glue gun or glue dots.
- A few scraps of orange, red and yellow tissue paper.

Step 1
Adult help needed. Cut a piece of construction paper to the size needed to wrap around the cardboard tube. Use your glue stick to glue it to the tube.

Step 2
Use a glue gun or glue dots to attach each googly eye to each pompom.

Step 3
Attach the medium pompoms as eyes to one end of the cardboard tube using a glue gun or glue dots.
Attach the smaller pompoms as nostrils on the other end of the tube with a glue gun or glue dots.

Step 4
Cut out skinny, 8-inch-long pieces of tissue paper to be the dragon’s fire. Use your glue stick to attach them to the inside of the tube under the dragon’s nostrils, working your way around the tube. Leave a 2-inch gap on the bottom without tissue paper glued to it. It’s ready for fire breathing and prayer!

- 1 empty cardboard tube (from toilet paper or a halved paper towel tube).
- 1 sheet of construction paper.
- Glue stick.
- 2 medium-size pompoms for eyes.
- 2 googly eyes.
- 2 small pompoms for nostrils.
- Hot glue gun or glue dots.
- A few scraps of orange, red and yellow tissue paper.
Step 1

Adult help needed. Cut a piece of construction paper to the size needed to wrap around the cardboard tube. Use your glue stick to glue it to the tube.
Step 2

Use a glue gun or glue dots to attach each googly eye to each pompom.
Step 3

Attach the medium pompoms as eyes to one end of the cardboard tube using a glue gun or glue dots.
Attach the smaller pompoms as nostrils on the other end of the tube with a glue gun or glue dots.
Step 4

Cut out skinny, 8-inch-long pieces of tissue paper to be the dragon’s fire. Use your glue stick to attach them to the inside of the tube under the dragon’s nostrils, working your way around the tube. Leave a 2-inch gap on the bottom without tissue paper glued to it. It’s ready for fire breathing and prayer!

To use your dragon tube:
- Place the end of the tube with the dragon’s eyes over your mouth and exhale (breathe out) through the tube. Cut the pieces of tissue shorter if the “fire” doesn’t move much.
- Remove it from your mouth. Breathe in through your nose while you silently say a prayer.
- Breathe out through the tube again.
- Continue until your mind feels more calm.
Here are a few ideas for prayers to say while you breathe:
- God, I trust that you’re in control.
- Jesus, please take away my anger.
- God, you know what’s best for me.
- God’s got this.
- Jesus, make my heart feel better.