
Birthday for Bibles

Does your family have Christmas traditions? Ten-year-old Aleigha and her family have some fun ones. On Christmas Day, they eat a cake in honor of Jesus’ birthday — for breakfast! But their favorite Christmas tradition is reading the story of Jesus’ birth in the Bible. 

“I like that Jesus was born in a stable and not in a castle,” Aleigha says. “I think that’s important because it shows that Jesus was humble, and that’s how we should be too.”

So when the Oklahoma girl found out that kids in some parts of the world have never seen a Bible or read about Jesus’ birthday, she wanted to help. Since her family sponsors two kids in Bolivia, Aleigha knows that the Bible gives hope to kids living in poverty. So she used her own birthday to help give Bibles to more kids. 

When Aleigha invited family and friends to her birthday party for Italian food and games, she didn’t ask for presents. Instead she wrote in the invitations: “This year, I would like to send Bibles to children around the world through Compassion International.” Her goal was to raise $100 — enough to send Bibles to 10 kids in honor of her 10th birthday.

Her awesome party guests ended up beating Aleigha’s goal! Together they raised $120 — enough for Compassion to give Bibles to 12 kids! Aleigha sent the money to Compassion, along with a handmade card. In it she wrote: “I think that children having Bibles is one of the most important things in spreading God’s Word and starting a new generation of Christians.”

"Jesus was humble, and that's how we
should be too." — Aleigha