Have you ever been told you can do great things but found it hard to believe? The truth is that God, through Christ’s sacrifice for us, made us able to do great things.
Some of us will use our time, resources or careers to do great things. Others may use our skills and passions to serve God.
This could even be through something as cool as photography, using creativity to share the good news of Christ, just like many of the photographers here at Compassion do! No matter what our skills and passions are, God can use them for his glory and to make a difference in the world.
In Ephesians, we see that Paul knew God had saved him, so he wanted to understand the good things God planned for him to do.
Paul had many talents he could use to help others to know Christ. For example, he was smart and could talk to people well. He was also a good leader. God used all these skills to help others learn how they could serve God with their lives.
As you read this, know that you can make a difference in this world because Christ has given you his life, strengthening you to know him and do good works … and he has prepared that work for you!
So don’t underestimate your ability to make a difference — believe that God has given you talents and will call you to use them to help others.
Yes, even you!
Read a chapter of Ephesians each day. As you read about who we are in Christ, ask God for wisdom and trust to remember these truths.
Talk with your parent or Sunday school teacher about how you can encourage others with who they are in Christ. What are some things in Ephesians that tell us about our identity in Christ?
“God, help me understand who I am in you and remember that you can use who I am to serve your people and share about Jesus. Help me to live out this truth and depend on you for strength!”