Kids who live in Central America have so much fun at parties whacking piñatas, which are decorated containers filled with treats. Piñatas can be made in lots of different ways. Here’s an easy way that lets you recycle cardboard and be artistic.

Estrella, 15, learned to make piñatas at her Compassion center in Nicaragua. Now she makes piñatas in her free time and sells them to earn money! Read more about her.

Step 1
Adult help needed. Decide what shape you want your piñata to be. Then cut a piece of thick cardboard into two matching shapes. Cut dime-size holes toward the tops of both.

Step 2
Cut card stock or thin cardboard into long strips. Tape the strips in between the two cardboard shapes to connect them, using several pieces of duct tape or masking tape all the way around. Leave a gap so you can fill it.

Step 3
Cut some tissue paper horizontally into 2-inch strips. Then cut those strips vertically to make fringe.

Step 4
Starting at the bottom of your piñata, glue on the fringe in layers.

Step 5
You’ll cover up the holes made in Step 1, so use a pencil to poke back through them. Insert a strong piece of rope, cord or twine through the holes.

Step 6
Fill your piñata with candy, stickers or small toys. Then tape the gap closed.

Step 7
Hang up your piñata and take turns with friends and family whacking it with a stick. You could even wear a blindfold to make it tougher!
Step 1

Adult help needed. Decide what shape you want your piñata to be. Then cut a piece of thick cardboard into two matching shapes. Cut dime-size holes toward the tops of both.
Step 2

Cut card stock or thin cardboard into long strips. Tape the strips in between the two cardboard shapes to connect them, using several pieces of duct tape or masking tape all the way around. Leave a gap so you can fill it.
Step 3

Cut some tissue paper horizontally into 2-inch strips. Then cut those strips vertically to make fringe.
Step 4

Starting at the bottom of your piñata, glue on the fringe in layers.
Step 5

You’ll cover up the holes made in Step 1, so use a pencil to poke back through them. Insert a strong piece of rope, cord or twine through the holes.
Step 6

Fill your piñata with candy, stickers or small toys. Then tape the gap closed.
Step 7

Hang up your piñata and take turns with friends and family whacking it with a stick. You could even wear a blindfold to make it tougher!