I Am ...

Statements that begin with “I Am” help kids in poverty remember how God sees them. See for yourself here! Sometimes you may need a reminder too. So here’s how you can make your own “I Am …” chalkboard!


  • Piece of recycled cardboard.
  • Pencil.
  • Scissors.
  • Chalk paint (sold at most craft stores).
  • Paintbrush.
  • Chalk.
  • Optional: hot glue and a piece of string.



  1. Adult help needed. Use a pencil to make an outline of your chalkboard on the cardboard. Make sure it’s big enough to write your statement on. You can make it any shape you want!
  2. Cut out the outline on your cardboard.
  3. Paint the cardboard using the chalk paint. Leave it out to dry for a couple of hours.
  4. Optional: Hot glue the ends of a piece of string to the back of the cardboard. Now you can hang your board!
  5. Your very own “I Am ...” chalkboard is ready! There’s a lot you can do with this board. Try writing a new “I Am ...” statement on your board each week. You can write things like “I am loved,” “I am smart” or “I am creative.”