I Am ...
Statements that begin with “I Am” help kids in poverty remember how God sees them. See for yourself here! Sometimes you may need a reminder too. So here’s how you can make your own “I Am …” chalkboard!
- Piece of recycled cardboard.
- Pencil.
- Scissors.
- Chalk paint (sold at most craft stores).
- Paintbrush.
- Chalk.
- Optional: hot glue and a piece of string.
- Adult help needed. Use a pencil to make an outline of your chalkboard on the cardboard. Make sure it’s big enough to write your statement on. You can make it any shape you want!
- Cut out the outline on your cardboard.
- Paint the cardboard using the chalk paint. Leave it out to dry for a couple of hours.
- Optional: Hot glue the ends of a piece of string to the back of the cardboard. Now you can hang your board!
- Your very own “I Am ...” chalkboard is ready! There’s a lot you can do with this board. Try writing a new “I Am ...” statement on your board each week. You can write things like “I am loved,” “I am smart” or “I am creative.”