Glitter Blizzard

Compassion kids live all around the globe. And most of them live in countries where it’s SO hot they have never seen snow! Have you ever played in snow? If so, tell your sponsored child all about it in your next letter!

Whether you see snow all the time or you’ve never seen it before, today you can have your very own snow-tastic experience by making a snow “globe” — in a jar!

Shrink-film Art

Directions to add shrink-film art to your snow globe:

  1.  Adult help needed. Print out this template onto a sheet of paper. Place a sheet of plastic shrink film (such as Shrinky Dinks brand, found at most craft stores) over the template.
  2. Use a marker to trace the animals onto the plastic sheet. Then use markers, colored pencils or pens (nothing oily or waxy like crayons) to color them in.
  3. Cut out your pictures along the lines.
  4. The plastic shrink film you buy should include baking instructions. Follow them to heat up your cut-outs and then flatten them back out.
  5. Glue your shrink-film cut-outs to the bottom of a jar lid using hot glue or super glue. Let dry completely. Then follow the instructions for the rest of the snow globe craft.
Printable: Explorer Shrink Film Traceables Download Print