For the Birds
The thousands of species of birds around the world, like this colorful parrot in Nicaragua, show God’s creativity. You can make a pinecone birdfeeder to hang in your yard, then watch to see how many different types of visiting birds you can count!

- 1 large pinecone
- 2-foot-long string
- dull knife or craft stick
- 4 tbsp. peanut butter
- bowl
- ½ c. birdseed

- Find a pinecone with wide spaces between rows of “scales.” If you don’t have trees in your yard, go on a hike or visit a nearby park. Some craft stores also sell pinecones.
- Tie the string to the top part of the pinecone, leaving a long tail.
- Using a dull knife or craft stick, spread peanut butter between each row of pinecone scales.
- Pour the birdseed into the bowl. Roll the pinecone in the bowl until the peanut butter is covered in seeds.
- Tie your birdfeeder to a tree branch or other object that birds can access.

- 1 large pinecone
- 2-foot-long string
- dull knife or craft stick
- 4 tbsp. peanut butter
- bowl
- ½ c. birdseed

- Find a pinecone with wide spaces between rows of “scales.” If you don’t have trees in your yard, go on a hike or visit a nearby park. Some craft stores also sell pinecones.
- Tie the string to the top part of the pinecone, leaving a long tail.
- Using a dull knife or craft stick, spread peanut butter between each row of pinecone scales.
- Pour the birdseed into the bowl. Roll the pinecone in the bowl until the peanut butter is covered in seeds.
- Tie your birdfeeder to a tree branch or other object that birds can access.