
You're Subscribed!

You’ll start receiving the print edition of Compassion Explorer Magazine in the mail four times a year: in February, May, August and November. It will educate and entertain the children in your home, helping them to develop empathy for their brothers and sisters in poverty — and motivation to speak up on their behalf.

Meanwhile, look around Compassion Explorer online, which features all the stories and activities from previous magazine issues — plus an interactive world map, resources for parents and teachers and ideas for speaking up for those in need. We’ll update you about new family content in a regular email.

Your subscription to Compassion Explorer Magazine is free for as long as you want it! If you want to stop receiving the magazine, just email [email protected] and let us know.

Here’s what you can look forward to in Compassion Explorer Magazine:

  • Stories and photos showing what life is like for children living in poverty.
  • Activities including crafts, quizzes and printable puzzles.
  • Recipes from around the world that your family can make together.
  • Christian devotions to help children grow in faith.
  • Stories of caring kids who help their neighbors in poverty.
  • Fun photos to caption.

Thank you so much for raising children who care about their brothers and sisters who live in poverty!